Use your hard earned points and miles to create intentional, meaningful travel experiences to fight burnout.

Hi, I'm Kelly, the Points and Miles Doc
I'm a busy surgeon, division director, funded researcher, fellowship director, and surgical coach ... and I love teaching medical professionals about points and miles.
When I was a fourth year medical student, I had to take out an additional loan just to travel to residency interviews all around the country. While some interviews might be virtual now, the process to becoming a physician is laden with high expenses throughout our entire careers.
When I learned about points and miles in 2015 as a young attending, my goals were to offset the costs of travel so I could focus on paying off loans, buying a home and saving for the future.
Now as a mid-career academic surgeon, I aim to make the most of my vacation time by booking the most comfortable and meaningful travel experiences I can. Experiences I could never afford if I paid cash.
Physicians are busy, and burnout is rampant in medicine. I believe by effectively automating our expenses onto travel reward credit cards, we can further enjoy our most valuable commodity - time.
I became a physician because I'm fascinated by the wonderful biodiversity and people in this world, and I can't wait to see it all!
Listen to me on Spotify!
Want to learn more about how I got into points and miles, how I think about strategy, and hear about some amazing redemptions I've made? Check out the episode links below.
Prescription to TravelMD: Balancing Sustainable Travel, Luxury, and Points and Miles
Minimalish Mom: Episode 20, Building a Better Life with Travel Rewards Part 2
Minimalish Mom: Episode 19, Building a Better Life with Travel Rewards Part 1
It's Not Just You with Dr. Kara Pepper: Episode 2.11, Culture Change in Surgery
Wonderland on Points: Episode 20, Traveling on Points and Miles to Avoid Career Burnout
Geobreeze Travel: Episode 123, Leveraging Medical Costs to Earn Points and Miles
Physician's Guide to Doctoring: Jet, Set, Go, Points and Miles Doc on the Secrets to Smart Travel
Point Me to First Class: Episode 9, Earning Points and Miles as a Physician
Point Me to First Class: Episode 17, P2 Strategies to Maximize Points and Miles
Point Me to First Class: Episode 45, 2023 Points Earning Review
Point Me to First Class: Episode 46, 2023 Points Spending Review
Point Me to First Class: Episode 90, Points Play, The Ultimate "Would You Rather" Game
Dare to Dream Physician Travel: Episode 112, Arctic Safari
Bougie in a Backpack: Episode 53, Stacking and Earning Points on College Loan Payments
Links to stuff I like and use!
Check out the things that make it easier for me to be a points and miles doc. All of these services I use!
Sign up for BILT rewards to earn points on rent!
Get 4.5% on your savings at Wealthfront
Get a $30 bonus or 3000 American Express Membership Rewards when you sign up for Rakuten
Join MaxRewards to keep track of your credit cards! Use my code POINTSDOC to get 3 months free!
Check out Roame, award search engine
StayWithPoints Hotel Award Availability Search
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